Work examples The UK's most innovative start-ups Africa Leaders Summit - World Bank What's the big idea? Creating greener, warmer buildings A cleaner, greener future Putting customers first in finance WHO Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator Reimagining Primary Healthcare World Bank Human Capital Project - MENA Looking Forward Protecting children from online exploitation and abuse Pioneering advances in vaccine research Pioneering efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance World Bank Obesity report World Bank Human Capital Plan Progress Report - Africa Educating farmers about antimicrobial resistance World Bank Human Capital Project - South Asia Stopping homelessness before it starts World Bank Human Capital Project - Africa World Bank Human Capital Summit - Africa World Bank Nutrition Programme in Madagascar World Bank Human Capital Project - Middle East and North Africa World Bank Optima Nutrition Equal Measures 2030 Women and Girls Empowerment The Power Of Nutrition Voices of the Public World Bank Early Years Nutrition programme Gavi, the vaccine alliance KAPSARC BBC FUTURE Let us help tell your story get in touch