Equal Measures 2030.

We created a digital social media campaign, across three languages, to promote the work of Equal Measures 2030, across the UN General Assembly meeting of 2019, and the 2019 International Day of the Girl. The campaign describes the successes of the SDG Gender Index, which measures the state of gender equality aligned to 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 129 countries and 51 issues ranging from health, gender-based violence, climate change, decent work and others.


UN General Assembly.

Examples of a series of short animated videos to promote EM2030’s work at the UN gathering in 2019. Published in English, French and Spanish.


UN General Assembly.

Examples of a series of short animated videos to promote EM2030’s work at the UN gathering in 2019. Published in English, French and Spanish.


International Day of the Girl.

Examples of a series of short animated videos to promote EM2030’s work ahead the International Day of the Girl in 2019. Published in English, French and Spanish.


World Bank Optima Nutrition


Women and Girls Empowerment